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Why do we need a Prime Vendor?

Access to health care is determined by availability of  medical supplies. Patients equate quality of care with the availability of medicines. Clinicians depend on effective, safe and good quality medicines to provide adequate health care. If out of stock, patients suffer and lose confidence in health services.

How are medicines financed?

Centrally, the Ministry of Health (MoH) allocates defined sums for medical supplies for each health facility directly to Medical Stores Department (MSD). At health facility level, complementary funds from CHF, NHIF and cost-sharing are generated and managed by the Health Facility Governing Committee (HFGC).


Filling the medicines supply gap in Tanzania with a complementary 


Filling the gap - our strategy

Alternative strategies are needed to fill the supply gap and to complement the public sector supply system. While MSD will remain the backbone for medicines supply, Dodoma Region together with Health Promotion and System Strengthening (HPSS) project established a unique Prime Vendor System as a Public-Private Partnership (PPP).

Developing a Jazia Prime Vendor System

Dodoma region and districts endorsed the Prime Vendor concept involving the private sector. Procedures to procure complementary supplies from a single vendor in a pooled regional approach were developed. A supplier was selected based on Good Procurement Practice. The Prime Vendor System was registered as Jazia PVS.

Key features

  • Complements Medical Stores Department (MSD)

  • Public-private partnership (PPP) 

  • Fixed prices and comparable to MSD 

  • Medicines of assured quality, safety and efficacy

  • Funds from health facility own sources, responding to fiscal decentralization 

  • A system and not just a vendor

  • Sustainable and not a parallel system

  • Transparency and accountability enhanced

  • Based on  government policies and within regional structures

  • Web-based and integrated digital Management Information System: PVMIS

  • Significant increase in availability of medicines 

  • Improved access to medicines for patients

Jazia PVS in a nutshell:


Achievements with Jazia PVS in Tanzania
  • Unique supply chain model of pooled procurement in a public-private partnership with prime vendors, anchored in national laws and regulations

  • Availability of medicines increased from 53 to over 90 %

  • Over 20 billion Tanzanian shillings annual value of health commodities procured from all prime vendors

  • Transparency and accountability in supply chain improved through good procurement practice, SOPs and audits

  • Average delivery time significantly reduced

  • Order fulfillment rate by PVs: 95%

  • High performance rating of Jazia PVS (delivery time, fill rate, quality, communication)

  • Adoption growth confirms need for complementary supply chain

Convincing results with Jazia PVS  in Tanzania
Availability of medicines
Availability 2022_edited_edited.png
Purchase volume from PVs
Purchase volume 2022.png


Tanzania regions.docx.png

President’s Office - Regional Administration
and Local Government (PORALG)



Health Promotion and System Strengthening Project (HPSS)



Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (SwissTPH)



National Roll-out

  • Convincing results and policy dialogue has led to government adoption.

  • In 2018 the government requested to scale up the successful pilot to all 26 regions of mainland Tanzania.

  • A 12-step approach for implementation was applied.

  • Cascade training from national to facility level was conducted.

  • Each selected private vendor signed a contract with the respective regional authority.

From pilot to policy and scale

© 2023 Jazia Prime Vendor

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